This past weekend, I took a break from various art projects to dive into painting some Warhammer 40K miniatures that my better half artfully put together a couple of weeks ago. I’m very much a newbie to the 41st Millennium , but holy smokes, painting and getting these boys battle ready is a blast! Here’s a peak at the work thus far:


This is going to be a boss Kill Team Orc squad, and I’ll be posting updates as I work on these babies.  I’m super stoked to try Citadel’s new Contrast paint, which is supposed to–you guessed it–up the contrast in tones right out of the paint pot. So, in theory, one coat of Citadel Contrast paint will produce some shadowy areas and highlights. Decent!

##PaintingWarhammer #40K #Orcs

Bob Ross Painting Mystery…SOLVED!


As a kid, I loved watching Bob Ross on PBS. Heck, as an adult I love watching Bob Ross, and so do millions of other people. His gentle spirit and remarkable creativity inspire people decades after first recording his Joy of Painting. The show is a Netflix gem nowadays, if you ever want to kick back and watch the miracle that is Bob at work: in less than 30 minutes, he takes a blank canvas and transforms it in a beautiful, serene landscape populated by happy little trees and fluffy clouds. But where did these canvases go? Where can one see them today’s day?? Can us admirers ever hope to own one???

Well, the crew at the New York Times has solved the mystery! Check out their fantastic video and accompanying article, and–hint hint–consider visiting the Smithsonian: https://nyti.ms/2xHTtBk

Flashback Friday: Art Sketch!

Found this gem of a sketch in my archives! The drawing below is a fan piece featuring Kid Loki, Ikol, and Leah from a Kieron Gillen’s phenomenal  Journey Into Mystery run. Whether you are into Marvel, fantasy, superheroes, Thor, Loki or just want to enjoy some beautiful sequential art and storytelling, this arc is a must read.



Meanwhile this sketch is a nice glimpse into my process. I love starting with a loose sketch in blue graphite, and then following up with a tighter, cleaner drawing made with 0.5 2B mechanical pencil.

CBR declares Sam Raimi take on Spider-Man as “Gold Standard”

And I have to quite agree! I know this is controversial, as many people (currently) dislike these original Spider-man movies. However, those films capture a fun, youthful spirit that the recent MCU version and the ill-fated 2012 reboot series fail to. Plus, the roaring success of the Raimi films heralded the modern age of superhero flicks. Without them, I believe we wouldn’t have an MCU in the first place.

Check out the article, and don’t hesitate to opine: https://www.cbr.com/sam-raimi-spider-man-movies-still-best/